We wanted to further clarify the QLDC’s informal consolation process in regards to the 2018 Navigational Safety Bylaw as it relates to motorised craft.
The purpose of this informal consultation is to gather opinions from our community in order to write a new inclusive bylaw. Once council hears from the community, they will write the bylaw and it will be up for formal submissions later this year. If you want to have your say on the bylaw before it is written, please follow the link below to QLDC’s survey.
Further Clarification of Options:
Option B: No Motorised craft from Lake Wanaka to the Red Bridge in Luggate. We’ve had several people comment that this is their preferred option. However, they have also stated that they felt this was ‘impossible’ and therefore choose Option C. We are told Options B and C are not mutually exclusive, so a choice for Option B does not hurt the chances of Option C becoming a reality. Both choices give Council a better idea of the communities’ ultimate vision and therefore the final bylaw could be a mixture of both options. Please choose the option you prefer, and be sure to explain your ideas in the comment section.
Option C: Many people voiced support for this option (no motorised craft above the bridge). However, several ATCA members are concerned about the ‘permanent speed uplifting’ below the Albert Town Bridge. This removes the 5 knot time restrictions on motorised craft (10-4 Winter and 10-6 Summer). The ATCA feels this sentence is ill placed and artificially separates Albert Town at the bridge.
These options are merely designed to gather information. If you like Option C, but find this sentence regarding the removal of time limits below the bridge not acceptable, be sure to specify this in your comments. Also, many people have suggested a 5 knot zone at all times from the Albert Town bridge down to the Cardrona River/Hawea River/most downstream home. Please include all your ideas and caveats to your choice in your comments.